

we've grown many years together.. family..friends..pals.. and etc.. but at this moment.. we leave behind so many things and move forth with life as individuals in the world of craziness.. we leave behind our families..friends.. and enemies.. as we walk into a new atmosphere filled with a whole new look and so forth.. we all said we would never seperate or forget about each other but our choices in life have caused us to DESEND APART.. but not for long but a good amount of time to know how much we truly were bonded from the beginning.. we say we'll keep in contact and text/call every second we get but we fail to realize we wont do but say it to make things seem as if its going to be ok.. we move on in life w/ memories in our backpack of the past and experiences we've been through.. just make sure you dont forget that we all started out somewhere and will never forget each other .. guess this is it people.. we are officially


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