they say my mind is corrupted because its filled with so many thoughts..but i disagree and say im just trying to figure so much out in so little time..some say you cant control thoughts but i can control them by replacing each bad thought with a good one..but doesnt always doesnt .. nope nope nope..not all the i keep my thoughts hidden and begin to ask myself..why so many thoughts..why so many mixed answer..nope nope nope..didnt get i keep to myself..staying hidden from the world until my thoughts become clear and my mind decreases in thoughts...nope nope nope..things didnt change..but i realized one thing matter how many thoughts i have..i still receive no answer.. because im looking in all the wrong places..its time to clear my thoughts and put the pieces 2gether..this happen because of this..and that happen because of im cutting the bullshit..letting of the excuses..and done beating around the bush..its time to be straight forward and say...IM DONE WITH THE KID GAMES.